Transition Your Moisturizer From Winter to Spring!


While we here in Pittsburgh (and many parts of the country) have experienced an unusually mild winter, there are still plenty of reasons to alter your moisturizing routine for Spring.

In the winter, the dry air outside, coupled with the dry air from forced heat, can make your skin Sahara Desert-levels of parched. Thus, we generally use a heavier moisturizer to create a barrier between our skin and the outside elements, protecting the precious water source that exists in our skin cells, as well as to protect it from getting chapped by that wicked winter wind.

With the warmer months, this heaviness can actually prevent your skin from taking advantage of the natural moisture that is in the spring air. It is because of this that The Gilded Girl recommends transitioning into a lighter product containing hyaluronic acid. Hyaluronic acid is a compound that naturally exists in our skin. We are born with a set amount and our bodies can not create more after birth. Hyaluronic acid is the reason babies have such beautiful, plump skin and adults have thinner, drier, duller skin.

One of the best lines to try is Rodial’s Dragon’s Blood line. Hyaluronic acid is one of the main ingredients, along with the potent Dragon’s Blood (which is a sap from the Croton Lechleri tree in South America) promote healing and renewal.

Try: Rodial Dragon’s Blood Hyaluronic Moisturizer with SPF 15

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  • Elizabeth Quesnelle
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